[CentOS] ffmpeg

Thu Aug 11 18:16:23 UTC 2011
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

Lamar Owen wrote:
> On Thursday, August 11, 2011 01:25:59 PM m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
>> Now, so far, motion, and ffmpeg, are not available for 6.
>> rpmfusion/updates/free/testing has faad2. I don't see ffmpeg, much less
>> motion. So I'm stuck trying to work from an 5 repository for ffmpeg.
> There are basic dependency issues with trying to use what amounts to a
> Fedora Core 6 repository with what amounts to a Fedora 12/13 OS.  You will
> not likely be successful in using an EL5 ffmpeg with EL6 due to more than
> just faad.
> Since you can't use just any repo, and since you can't build from source,
> then you'll just have to wait on the rpmfusion EL6 repo to get ffmpeg and
> motion.  Sorry.
> Note that libfaad.so.0.0.0 and libfaad.so.2.0.0 are likely incompatible
> with each other.
> In other words, an EL5 ffmpeg from rpmfusion is not going to work on EL6,
> more than likely, without a lot of effort.

Oh, great. Thanks, though, for the info.
