[CentOS] drop manitu.net

Wed Aug 10 21:10:42 UTC 2011
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>


   Can you PLEASE, PLEASE find *any* other blacklist than manitu? This
asshole's method was ok a dozen years ago; these days, with hosting sites
hosting tens or hundreds of thousands of domains, with too many running
Windows, and so infected and sending out spam. They then send all mail via
one mailhost, with the result that those of us with *no* spam coming out
are frequently blocked.

    This ain't the first time for me with this jerk, either. A few years
ago, Cogeco in Canada was using him, and on and off for *months* I was
blocked from exchanging email with an old friend... because I was
mailing from Roadrunner in Chicago (hosting hundreds of thousands of
households), until my friend dropped Cogeco.

         mark, who is wondering if this will be blocked