[CentOS] drop manitu.net

Thu Aug 11 14:52:47 UTC 2011
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

On 8/11/2011 8:09 AM, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
>> Obviously I don't know your computer situation. It seems your present
>> 'service' is not always reliable, so is there anything we can do to help
>> you devise an alternative plan ?
> No, you still don't understand.

How much sympathy do you expect for self-inflicted pain?

> 1. I'm not going to join this list, or any other, from multiple email
> accounts

So move them to gmail.  Price is right. End of problem.  If you don't 
like their browser interface, use pop/imap and authenticated smtp. 
Plus, you can set it up so they archive a copy when you download so you 
can delete your instance and still be able to log into their web 
interface and find it in a search if you want to review it later.  If 
you like using your own mail host, use fetchmail to move it for you.

> Finally, you're missing the real issue: not how I can use different email
> addresses, or run my own mailserver, but that I was hoping to have a
> conversation with the CentOS mailing list admin about using *anyone* else
> than manitu.net to block spam to the list. I mentioned the problems I had
> a few years back emailing to a friend in Canada through his then-local
> 'Net provider, because they were also using manitu.net.

That conversation would make sense if there were any spam blockers that 
cared about the collateral damage to unrelated hosts that happen to be 
in an IP range that they don't like.  I don't think you'll find any. 
And it has always been that way since the start of those businesses.

> For manitu.net to decide that *everyone* coming from that mailhost,
> regardless of the source domain, is incompetence and hostile to the way
> things are for years now.

Good luck with that...  I think you'll find it easier to send though 
some service that accepts authenticated smtp and fights that battle for 
you than to do it yourself.

   Les Mikesell
     lesmikesell at gmail.com