[CentOS] Air Conditioning - ON!

Mon Feb 21 21:02:02 UTC 2011
Ian Murray <murrayie at yahoo.co.uk>

> 2. Add more  staff. As a small business owner, the very last thing you 
> want to do is add  more staff when you are in a slammed state. It takes 
> all of the 'productive'  workers time to train the new staff and output 
> slows to a crawl.
> 5. MOST  IMPORTANT---- discussing this right now is the wrong time. The 
> CentOS team  needs to be focused on the builds. They need to 'feel good'. 
> They do not  need these distractions, complaints, suggestions, pressures 
> and generally  negative comments at this moment in time. If it really 
> bothers you, save it  for later and bring it up when things are back to 
> normal loads. Perhaps some  good will come out of it, but not now. I know 
> that most mean well, but look  inside of yourself and the rush is about 
> something you want... and YOU chose  a FREE distro, which just so happens 
> to convert to the paid version very  easily.

As I stated on the other thread, this was discussed to death 18 months ago and I 
actually received assurances what has happened wouldn't happened. I am not 
holding anybody to what they said, but it adds further doubt about the 
sustainability of the distribution. Personally, I think it is better to lower 
expectation, but not leave it open ended, e.g. CentOS 6 will no more than 
another six months and 5.6 another 2 months. Perhaps we have been spoilt by the 
snappiness of the releases in the past. Plus, rename to something that doesn't 
suggest enterprise grade.

Anyway, I couldn't get Xen 4 +PVOPS kernel working with CentOS 5.5, so I have 
temporarily moved my Xen server to Debian, although the plan was to move it back 
when CentOS 6 came out, but I shall think of another plan.

> Please  please please... ease up, give them the time they need. Make 
> notes for  future conversations, but quit distracting them and making 
> them feel bad.  Or, write your scathing reply to a thread... get really 
> down angry and in  the dirt... then when you're done, just delete it.

The <delete> key works on everybody's keyboard.