[CentOS] Alternative to cPanel

Thu Feb 24 13:19:41 UTC 2011
Juergen Gotteswinter <jg at internetx.de>

Am 24.02.11 14:17, schrieb William Warren:
> On 2/23/2011 9:49 AM, Trutwin, Joshua wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm looking to setup a new CentOS box for a buddy of mine who
>> wants to do hosting on a server via CoLo, Years ago I whipped up a CP
>> of my
>> own on a Debian box he colo'd running a basterdized qmail/tinydns and
>> custom
>> built httpd/mysql/etc (I was young).  It worked ok but time to move on
>> and I
>> don't have time to maintain all those packages.  I also don't have
>> time to write another CP or port my PoS to it.  I'm also just going to
>> use the
>> default  packages (bind, postfix, etc) instead of the DJB stuff.
>> Main requirements are fairly straightforward:
>> 1. able to add/manage domains, ssl cert management, manage DNS records
>> 2. able to manage email accounts and anti-spam settings
>> 3. able to add/manage mysql and pgsql (nice to have)
>> 4. user management - ftp/ssh accounts, password change, etc.
>> 5. nice to have: add a wordpress blog / xcart store to a site
>> 6. nice to have: users have own login to do some of the above for
>> their domain only
>> 7. nice to have: integrated website stats (awstats or equiv)
>> 8. not optional - should have a focus on security
>> Stuff like viewing logs, automated billing, hosting plans, managing
>> backups,
>> bandwidth monitoring, uploading web pages, managing server patches,
>> adding new software, etc. I don't mind leaving off or doing myself. 
>> Willing to
>> pay a license, but not a huge budget.
>> I was leaning towards webmin/virtualmin but thought I'd check with
>> this list
>> for any suggestions.  Had bad experiences with Plesk from a while
>> ago so leaving that off the table.  We have experience with cPanel
>> through another fail host, it's ok but too much stuff and too
>> expensive.
>> Josh
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> I currently use virtualmin GPL.  There are a few features that are kept
> in virtualmin pro...i have one server that runs pro..i have another that
> runs virtualmin gpl.
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plesk *eg*

scnr :)