[CentOS] Any update on 5.6 / 6?

Wed Feb 16 15:20:06 UTC 2011
Larry Vaden <vaden at texoma.net>

On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org> wrote:
> As I said before, Oracle has not had their stuff released for very long
> and while Scientific Linus has released some Alpha/Beta stuff along the
> way, they also have not released 5.6 or 6.0 either.  This is not easy.
> It takes time.


A minor correction;  Oracle released late last month and SL released
even earlier per the first trouble report at

• 5.6 release history:
– RedHat released RHEL 5.6 on 13-Jan
– CERN released SLC 5.6 on 20-Jan
– FNAL released SL 5.6 last week

We've been running SL 5.6 for quite some time (ONLY ON CERTAIN BOXEN
while waiting on CentOS).

kind regards/ldv