[CentOS] Will CentOS become obsolete now because of the changes Red Hat is implementing?

Sat Mar 5 12:22:59 UTC 2011
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 03/05/2011 04:07 AM, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
> This post appeared on another forum:

This kernel change does not impact the ability to rebuild the source as
is, it just makes it much harder to do anything except build the
pristine kernel from kernel.org or the Red Hat kernel.

You can still compare the RH tarball to the pristine kernel and see all
the changes ... they are just not added one at a time.

This will make it very difficult to back out one patch (because your
server is running version xyz of farmer joe's ethernet card, and that
does not work with PatchA).

This should not impact building the kernel ... it might impact things
like the CentOSPlus Kernel or CentOS providing a "stop gap" kernel (in
the testing repo) while waiting for Red Hat to correct a problem and get
their kernel through engineering and then released.

That is not to say I like the changes, as it will have impacts ... but
as long as they only do it to the kernel, it is not a big problem.

If they do it to every package in the OS, then that would be a much
bigger problem.  It is much easier for us to find and remove trademarks
when they are inserted via a patch into existing upstream code ... if we
only had the modified tarballs and not the patches, it would be much
harder to find all the things that need changing.

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