[CentOS] [SOLVED] Re: problem with machine "freezing" for short periods

Fri Jul 27 20:02:20 UTC 2012
Keith Roberts <keith at karsites.net>

On Fri, 27 Jul 2012, Vanhorn, Mike wrote:

> To: CentOS mailing list <centos at centos.org>
> From: "Vanhorn, Mike" <michael.vanhorn at wright.edu>
> Subject: [CentOS] [SOLVED] Re: problem with machine "freezing" for short
>     periods
> It turned out to be something very simple, but which wasn't obvious to
> check to begin with. There was another computer (a Windows machine) that
> was supposed to have been taken out of service a long time ago, but
> someone has recently put it back on the network. Because it was supposed
> to have been no longer used, it's IP address was re-allocated (a year and
> a half ago!) to the machine that I have been agonizing over all week.
> On someone's suggestion, I decided to put the problem PC on a different
> subnet, because we thought it might be something amiss with the new
> networking hardware that was installed a month or so ago, and suddenly the
> problem went away. Some more investigation, and we discovered that the IP
> address was still being used, and, thus, stumbled across the actual
> problem.
> Thank you to all who responded!
> It's always the simplest things, in the last place you look...

Hi Mike.

I'm pleased you got this figured out now OK.

As you mentioned earlier it could be a network problem, I 
was going to suggest using Wireshark, which *could* have 
identified this problem for you pretty quick.

Wireshark is a free and open-source packet analyzer. It is 
used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software and 
communications protocol development, and education. 
Originally named Ethereal, in May 2006 the project was 
renamed Wireshark due to trademark issues.

Name       : wireshark
Arch       : i386
Version    : 1.0.15
Release    : 1.el5_6.4
Size       : 40 M
Repo       : installed (in updates repo)
Summary    : Network traffic analyzer
URL        : http://www.wireshark.org/
License    : GPL

Name       : wireshark-gnome
Arch       : i386
Version    : 1.0.15
Release    : 1.el5_6.4
Size       : 1.6 M
Repo       : installed
Summary    : Gnome desktop integration for wireshark and
 	   : wireshark-usermode
URL        : http://www.wireshark.org/
License    : GPL
Description: Contains wireshark for Gnome 2 and desktop
 	   : integration file

Maybe you could recreate this problem (2 machines using the 
same IP address on the same network ) and then start 
Wireshark GUI, and see if it spots this and complains with a 
very informative error message?

Kind Regards,

Keith Roberts


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