[CentOS] CentOS 6.2 x86_64 Squirrelmail Problem

Fri Mar 30 11:22:38 UTC 2012
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 03/30/2012 05:51 AM, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> On 03/30/2012 05:41 AM, Prabhpal S. Mavi wrote:
>> Greetings Friends,
>> is any one knows why i see squirrelmail login interface like below
>> Live Example Can Be Seen Here:
>> https://mail.digital-infotech.com/webmail
>> i have tried to install configure from source as well rather than RPM but
>> all the same.security permissions have been verified also.  and i have no
>> clue any more. help would be greatly appreciated
>> Thanks / Regards
>> <>
>> < bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
>> width="100%"><><>
>> SquirrelMail version 1.4.22-2.el6
>> By the SquirrelMail Project Team
>> < bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" width="350"><>< bgcolor="#dcdcdc">Digital
>> Infotech Limited Login <>< bgcolor="#ffffff"> < bgcolor="#ffffff"
>> border="0" width="100%"><>< width="30%">Name: < width="70%"> <><
>> width="30%">Password: < width="70%"> <><>
>> Thanks / Regards
>> Prabhpal S. Mavi
>> Email: prabhpal at digital-infotech.net
>> Sent Through .Net Domain From iPhone
> The problem is with spaces (there is a space between the "<" and the
> "bgcolor=" so it is not a proper tag.
> Since this is a php file, I would assume that something is causing the
> spaces to be there and that the something would be that you are missing
> some module or setting in php and because of it, you are missing some
> variables, etc.
> There also seem to be several tags that are empty ... (the things that
> look like "<>" )
> Try with SELinux off to see if that is a problem and if it is then
> relabel to get the proper settings.
> Did you follow any readmes that might have been in the documentation?

1.  Turn off mbstring-overload by editing your /etc/php.ini file and

mbstring.func_overload = 0

restart httpd

2.  have you run the config.pl file?

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