[CentOS] CentOS 6.2 x86_64 Squirrelmail Problem

Fri Mar 30 10:51:20 UTC 2012
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 03/30/2012 05:41 AM, Prabhpal S. Mavi wrote:
> Greetings Friends,
> is any one knows why i see squirrelmail login interface like below
> Live Example Can Be Seen Here:
> https://mail.digital-infotech.com/webmail
> i have tried to install configure from source as well rather than RPM but
> all the same.security permissions have been verified also.  and i have no
> clue any more. help would be greatly appreciated
> Thanks / Regards
> <>
> < bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
> width="100%"><><>
> SquirrelMail version 1.4.22-2.el6
> By the SquirrelMail Project Team
> < bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" width="350"><>< bgcolor="#dcdcdc">Digital
> Infotech Limited Login <>< bgcolor="#ffffff"> < bgcolor="#ffffff"
> border="0" width="100%"><>< width="30%">Name: < width="70%"> <><
> width="30%">Password: < width="70%"> <><>
> Thanks / Regards
> Prabhpal S. Mavi
> Email: prabhpal at digital-infotech.net
> Sent Through .Net Domain From iPhone

The problem is with spaces (there is a space between the "<" and the
"bgcolor=" so it is not a proper tag.

Since this is a php file, I would assume that something is causing the
spaces to be there and that the something would be that you are missing
some module or setting in php and because of it, you are missing some
variables, etc.

There also seem to be several tags that are empty ... (the things that
look like "<>" )

Try with SELinux off to see if that is a problem and if it is then
relabel to get the proper settings.

Did you follow any readmes that might have been in the documentation?

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