[CentOS] CentOS 6.2 x86_64 Squirrelmail Problem

Fri Mar 30 10:41:46 UTC 2012
Prabhpal S. Mavi <prabhpal at digital-infotech.net>

Greetings Friends,

is any one knows why i see squirrelmail login interface like below
Live Example Can Be Seen Here:

i have tried to install configure from source as well rather than RPM but
all the same.security permissions have been verified also.  and i have no
clue any more. help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks / Regards

< bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"

SquirrelMail version 1.4.22-2.el6
By the SquirrelMail Project Team
< bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" width="350"><>< bgcolor="#dcdcdc">Digital
Infotech Limited Login <>< bgcolor="#ffffff"> < bgcolor="#ffffff"
border="0" width="100%"><>< width="30%">Name: < width="70%"> <><
width="30%">Password: < width="70%"> <><>

Thanks / Regards
Prabhpal S. Mavi
Email: prabhpal at digital-infotech.net
Sent Through .Net Domain From iPhone