[CentOS] Centos 6.4 and Virtualbox

Thu Jul 4 01:43:13 UTC 2013
Yves Bellefeuille <yan at storm.ca>

On Wednesday 03 July 2013, Mark H Needleman <needleman_mark at yahoo.com> 

> When I start the vm it puts out a lot of messages then asks me what
> kind of install I want to do. I select the basic install and it
> tells me it found the media ( the iso DVD file I downloaded) puts
> out a message about the anaconda ( I think) install starting then
> goes to a screen with the Centos 6 logo and appears to do nothing.
> No more messages appear.

Did you choose the option to check the media? How much memory did you 
allocate to CentOS?

Yves Bellefeuille <yan at storm.ca>
Mekaro en Otavo, Kanado, 18-20 majo 2013: http://mekaro.ca/