[CentOS] Help with VMware ESXi manager for CentOS - newbie level

Thu Sep 5 15:19:27 UTC 2013
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

On 9/5/2013 3:52 AM, Scott Robbins wrote:
> At one point, it would work, but not with https.  5.1 and up can have
> everything managed from the web browser--they're actually dropping the
> client, I believe, and having you do everything from the browser.  With
> CentOS, (as opposed to Fedora) one needed to add some keyboard trickery to
> get the arrow keys to work in the web console though.

but VMware ESXi 5.x is very crippled in its free configuration, with 
draconian limits on how much RAM is allowed before you have to start 
paying for licenses.

john r pierce                                      37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast