[CentOS] Help with VMware ESXi manager for CentOS - newbie level

Thu Sep 5 18:38:29 UTC 2013
Jack Bailey <jack at internetguy.net>

On 09/05/13 03:56, Scott Robbins wrote:
> Note that I haven't worked with the free version, this was paid version of
> ESXi 5.1, which I_think_  is the first one that VMware says should be run
> entirely from the browser, as opposed to a client.  Like another poster, it
> was the one reason I kept a Windows VM at my old job, our 3.5-5.0 VMware
> systems, I needed the Windows client.

In order to manage ESXi from a browser, you need a vCenter Server 
Appliance (SuSE or Windows), because that's what hosts the web server to 
provide that functionality.  $$

If you want to use only the free stuff, you can, but you must manage 
ESXi using the Windows viclient, of if you're up to it, ssh in and use 
esxcli commands.  You can connect to your ESXi host with a browser and 
download the viclient from the main page.
