[CentOS] Use postfix and spamd on CentOS 6 - looking for a shortest guide

Wed Aug 13 17:32:14 UTC 2014
Timothy Murphy <gayleard at alice.it>

Always Learning wrote:

>> If I had to read a book in order to install and configure postfix
>> I would go back to sendmail.
> Try EXIM - it worked for me almost out-of-the-box with very minimal
> configuration. Since then I have introduced lots of extra refinements to
> successfully keep spam out without using third party faciliti

I should have said, perhaps, that shorewall is working perfectly for me,
under both CentOS-6 and CentOS-7.
I run amavis under CentOS-6 to incorporate spamassassin and clamav.
However, amavisd-new wasn't available when I installed CentOS-7 -
I know it is available now - so I went on a strange journey
using dovecot-pigeonhole and sieve, which I would not recommend to anyone.

> No one really wants to revert to Sendmail - do they ?

It worked fine for me for years - what do you have against it?

When I started using it, before sendmail.mc was introduced,
I found it even more difficult to configure than postfix today.

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/ eircom.net
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland