[CentOS] Cemtos 7 : Systemd alternatives ?

Tue Jul 8 16:13:37 UTC 2014
Lamar Owen <lowen at pari.edu>

On 07/08/2014 11:58 AM, Les Mikesell wrote:
> ... How much is this going to cost a typical company _just_ to keep 
> their existing programs working the same way over the next decade 
> (which is a relatively short time in terms of business-process changes)? 

Les, this is the wrong question to ask.  The question I ask is 'What 
will be my return on investment be, in potentially lower costs, to run 
my programs in a different way?'  If there is no ROI, or a really long 
ROI, well, I still have C6 to run until 2020 while I invest the time in 
determining if a new way is better or not.  Fact is that all of the 
major Linux distributions are going this way; do you really think all of 
them would change if this change were stupid?

Even the Unix philosophy was new at one point.  Just because it works 
doesn't mean it's the best that can be found.

> Even if the changes themselves are minor, you have to cover the cost 
> of paying some number of people for that 'get used to the syntax' 
> step. Personally I think Red Hat did everyone a disservice by 
> splitting the development side off to fedora and divorcing it from the 
> enterprise users that like the consistency. 

Consistency is not the only goal.  Efficiency should trump consistency, 
and I for one like being able to see where the direction lies well in 
advance of EL adopting a feature blind.  Or don't you remember how Red 
Hat Linux development used to be before Fedora and the openness of that 

(Leaving part of my .sig in for a change, as I'm wearing the CIO hat in 
this post.)

Lamar Owen
Chief Information Officer
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute