[CentOS] Not To James B. Byrne

Chris Adams linux at cmadams.net
Thu Nov 13 17:38:44 UTC 2014

Once upon a time, Valeri Galtsev <galtsev at kicp.uchicago.edu> said:
> I would second that. In general, it is rather discouraging to hear: "hey,
> fix that thing on your side. Of course, I can make your mail not go into
> my spambox on my side, but I don't care to change anything on my side".

The problem with that is, in some cases (depending on the provider's
spam filtering), messages may be outright rejected (because that's what
the configuration says to do).  The _only_ place that can be fixed
correctly is at the mailing list server (and that also requires a change
in one place, rather than every list subscriber adding local filters).
Telling everyone to add filters IMHO is really the same as the old spam
argument of "you can just hit delete".

If RHEL isn't going to get an updated mailman that conforms to current
(whether good or bad) "best practices", I'd be interested in seeing a
newer mailman packaged elsewhere (maybe EPEL?).

Chris Adams <linux at cmadams.net>

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