[CentOS] Systemd Adding Its Own Console To Linux Systems

Wed Oct 8 18:22:20 UTC 2014
Digimer <lists at alteeve.ca>

On 08/10/14 02:18 PM, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
> Marcelo Ricardo Leitner wrote:
>> On 08-10-2014 14:36, Les Mikesell wrote:
>>> On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Robert Arkiletian <robark at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Just a heads up to those who haven't seen this yet. The main author of
>>>> systemd publicly wrote about being basically persecuted.
>>>> https://plus.google.com/u/0/+LennartPoetteringTheOneAndOnly/posts/J2TZrTvu7vd
>>> But oddly, he didn't even mention that there would be a real simple
>>> solution - just add backwards-compatible improvements instead of
>>> actively wrecking the interfaces everyone else had depended on for
>>> decades.
>> "decades". That, by itself, already calls for an update, no?
> Why? Do you ride a bicycle differently, or drive differently, than you did
> say, 20 years ago? You went out and bought a recumbent, or an electric
> car?

Airbags, ABS, Traction Control, ACE compatibility, stronger survival 
space, better fuel economy, more comfortable...

There was much wailing a gnashing of teeth from "purists" when these 
things came in. "But it's not really driving!" some would say. "It lets 
people be lazy!" others would say. Many of those people still drive old 
cars, such is their choice.

Today, overall, the roads are much safer. Change is good.

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