[CentOS] [CentOS-announce] Release for CentOS Linux 7 (1503 ) on x86_64

Thu Apr 2 17:14:55 UTC 2015
Matthew Miller <mattdm at mattdm.org>

On Thu, Apr 02, 2015 at 11:57:23AM -0500, Les Mikesell wrote:
> >> How, without a cross reference of some sort, do you know if a given
> >> CentOS iso will install on hardware where you know that the needed
> >> driver was added in an RH minor rev?
> > always use the latest one.
> Which, combined with the possibility of releasing multiples per minor
> rev and no determinate time frame for the actual initial Centos minor
> release, really means nothing.


"Always use latest one" *plus* "look for the latest release


A cross-reference doesn't really seem necessary because usually
hardware enablement is additive. Either CentOS is up to the version you
need, or it isn't yet.

If you really _need_ a specific minor release and want to _stay_ on it,
to my knowledge, that's not something CentOS has _ever_ done anyway.
You can pay for Red Hat's "EUS", or, I think Scientific Linux actually
does keep the ".y" releases separate (but I'm not sure of the details
as to how that's implemented).

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at fedoraproject.org>
Fedora Project Leader