The story so far: Even though I've got clamav-server-systemd installed I can't find any units etc to enable me to control clamd via systemctl. When I ran clamd in a terminal it complained that it couldn't find /etc/clamd.conf which made sense as it didn't exist. I copied /etc/clam.d/exim.conf from a F21 system to /etc/clamd.conf on this server. I then created /var/log/clamd.exim and /var/run/clamd.exim and re-ran clamd. It then ran, and worked fine with EXIM. I've obviously missed something as I'm certain that the RPM maintainers who provided all of the clam RPM's don't expect anyone to do this every time. In order to get this working I'm going to copy the unit file /etc/systemd/system/ to create clamd.service and will then have a working system. However, I would love to know what I *should* have done to get this working. BTW, I've just received two lovely emails from a scantily clad young lady who wants to get to know me better. I don't know if that email address is subscribed to this list, or just web crawling, but just in case, here are the details Julie Anna julie70309 at