On 08/25/2015 10:50 AM, Jerry Geis wrote: > cat my_file.txt | sed 's/CANCELID/$CHANGE/' > cancel.txt sed doesn't perform environment variable expansion. That is to say that when you instruct sed to substitute "$CHANGE" for "CANCELID", "$CHANGE" is a literal string that will be substituted. bash, on the other hand, does perform environment variable expansion for strings not enclosed in single quotes. So, you probably meant: cat my_file.txt | sed "s/CANCELID/$CHANGE/" > cancel.txt In that case, bash will replace $CHANGE with 1234 before starting sed with that argument. Additionally, you can avoid using "cat" to make the script more efficient. You'll start fewer processes, and complete more quickly. cat is almost never needed unless you actually need to con"cat"enate multiple files. A couple of other changes I'd suggest as better scripting style: Enclose your variable names in ${} to avoid abiguity, and use lower case variable names except when you have a variable that you mean to export, and upper case only exported variables. sed "s/CANCELID/${change}/" < my_file.txt > cancel.txt