[CentOS] please block user

Wed Aug 26 21:21:28 UTC 2015
Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>

Hash: SHA1

On 26/08/15 20:11, Valeri Galtsev wrote:
> On Wed, August 26, 2015 12:55 pm, James A. Peltier wrote:
>> ----- Original Message ----- | -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED
>> MESSAGE----- | Hash: SHA1 | | On 25/08/15 23:09, Fabian Arrotin
>> wrote: | > On 25/08/15 20:39, Alice Wonder wrote: | >> julie70773
>> [at] loverhearts.com | > | >> Responded off-list to message on
>> the list, spam with content | >> that is not suitable for
>> minors. | > | >> It is possible subscribed under different
>> address. | > | >> IP of offending spam : | > | >> Received: from
>> mx2.loverhearts.com (mx2.loverhearts.com | >> [])
>> (using TLSv1.2 with cipher
> As you see from this your header spam was not delivered through
> centos mail list, but comes from one of the IPs of digitalocean.com
> IP block: As Fabian told centos mail list server
> admins contacted digitalocean.com about abuse (even though
> indirect, but with apparent misuse of centos list servers for
> collecting e-mails of posters). And the moment I received my copy
> of this spam _after_ Fabian mentioned they contacted
> digitalocean.com, I just blocked mail from their block of IP 
> addresses ( on my servers as digitalocean apparently
> didn't react to abuse notice promptly. Others may want to do the
> same, thus we will pass the message with all seriousness to
> digitalocean.com.
> Just my $0.02
> Valeri

Still no news from DigitalOcean since multiple people complained to
them about that issue. There are also some other IPs used to send
those mails, and from CIDR:  too.

I can try to ask again the status about those IPs, but I also guess
that the more people complain about it, the more they'll look at it.
If you still receive such mail (I personally never had *any* of those
offending/spam mails myself), feel free to report that to

Kind Regards,

- -- 
Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab

Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
