[CentOS] please block user

Sat Aug 29 17:04:58 UTC 2015
James B. Byrne <byrnejb at harte-lyne.ca>

In consequence of this thread I went looking for a probe script that
would send individualized email messages to each subscriber of a
mailman list and found none.  Does such a thing in fact exist?

It seems to me that this would be an invaluable tool in tracking down
which subscriber is the bot-bait.

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James B. Byrne                mailto:ByrneJB at Harte-Lyne.ca
Harte & Lyne Limited          http://www.harte-lyne.ca
9 Brockley Drive              vox: +1 905 561 1241
Hamilton, Ontario             fax: +1 905 561 0757
Canada  L8E 3C3