[CentOS] [CentOS-announce] Announcing release for MariaDB 5.5 and 10.0 on CentOS Linux 6 x86_64 SCL

Mon Dec 21 19:49:20 UTC 2015
Always Learning <centos at u64.u22.net>

On Mon, 2015-12-21 at 17:20 +0100, Honza Horak wrote:

> I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of versions 5.5 and 
> 10.0 of the MariaDB server on CentOS Linux 6 x86_64, delivered via a 
> Software Collection (SCL) built by the SCLo Special Interest Group 
> (https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo).

What is the difference (for C6 usage) between RH/C SCL's version of
Maria 10 and that offered directly from Maria ?



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