[CentOS] LDAP setup on Centos 7

Fri Nov 27 16:14:32 UTC 2015
Leon Fauster <leonfauster at googlemail.com>

Am 27.11.2015 um 16:53 schrieb Gary Stainburn <gary at ringways.co.uk>:
> Since posting my first email I have re-generated both the root and Manager 
> passwords and re-run the setup.
> I no longer get the "Invalid credentials" error so presumably the problem must 
> have been a cut/paste issue.
> I now get the following error. As I am a total newbie to LDAP and don't really 
> know what's going on, I don't know what I need to do to fix it.
> [root at ollie2 ~]# ldapadd -x -D cn=Manager,dc=ringways,dc=com -W -f 
> basedomain.ldif
> Enter LDAP Password: 
> adding new entry "dc=ringways,dc=com"
> ldap_add: Naming violation (64)
>        additional info: value of single-valued naming attribute 'dc' 
> conflicts with value present in entry
> [root at ollie2 ~]# cat basedomain.ldif 
> # replace to your own domain name for "dc=***,dc=***" section
> dn: dc=ringways,dc=com
> objectClass: top
> objectClass: dcObject
> objectclass: organization
> o: Ringways
> dc: Server
> dn: cn=Manager,dc=server,dc=world
> objectClass: organizationalRole
> cn: Manager
> description: Directory Manager
> dn: ou=People,dc=ringways,dc=com
> objectClass: organizationalUnit
> ou: People
> dn: ou=Group,dc=ringways,dc=com
> objectClass: organizationalUnit
> ou: Group

# systemctl stop slapd

# slapadd -v -l this-ldif-file

# cat this-ldif-file
dn: dc=ringways,dc=com
objectClass: dcObject
objectclass: organization
o: Ringways
dc: ringways

# systemctl start slapd

# ldapadd -x -D cn=Manager,dc=ringways,dc=com -W -f the-rest-of-yourfile
