On 04/12/2017 05:23 AM, Andrew Holway wrote: > Hallo, > > Considering the relative decline of IRC (sorry folks) I have set up a Slack > for Enterprise Linux. I've been using "pythondev.slack.com" and honestly, > its a fantastic tool for community support with really nice features for > computer centric discussion. > > https://enterpriselinux.slack.com/shared_invite/MTY4MTM5NjQ2NTc5LTE0OTE5OTkyNTctMjkyNGU1NWQzOA > > My hope is that those running Rhel and Centos can have a common place to > flame war about SystemD, what to do when FreeIPA replication breaks and how > to give your network interfaces sensible names without having to use a > pastebin. > > Thoughts? Experiances? > Well it claims to have sent me an e-mail but so far it hasn't.