[CentOS] Possibly [OT] ansible vmware inventory plugin

Wed Nov 8 22:22:04 UTC 2017
Gordon Messmer <gordon.messmer at gmail.com>

On 11/08/2017 10:37 AM, Mark Haney wrote:
> The problem is that the vmware_inventory.py script didn't come with 
> 2.4 in CentOS 7, even though it's in the stable branch.  I'm curious, 
> is this a deliberate omission on the CentOS maintainers part?

Both the Fedora package and the vendor's package build script rely on 
"setup.py install" to install the majority of packaged files, and 
Ansible's setup.py doesn't appear to do anything with the contrib 
directory, where the dynamic inventory scripts live. It doesn't look 
like the decision to omit those files was made by downstream packagers.

My understanding is that those scripts are intended to be modified to 
fit the environment where they're used.  It *might* be useful to include 
them as "documentation" in the rpm package, but that doesn't seem like 
it would save much over making them available via the source repository.