[CentOS] Network scripts ifup-post

Mon Oct 2 13:17:25 UTC 2017
Thomas Plant <thomas at plant.systems>


since updating to Centos 7.4 the ifup-post script in 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts does not behave as it did before the update.
I use it to configure additional routes via  /sbin/ifup-local with the 
parameter of the interface being upped, but it seems to pass only 'lo' 
as interface name. Before it passed correctly 'eth0:0' of the virtual 

Added a line in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-post, near the end 
when it calls the ifup-local, echoing the variable of ${DEVICE} to a 
file and all that showed up was 'lo'.

Is this a bug? Or how can I correct this behaviour?
