[CentOS] systemctl poweroff

Mon Sep 11 06:49:17 UTC 2017
Nicolas Kovacs <info at microlinux.fr>


I've been using CentOS since versions 4.x, and I see a weird trend in
recent Linux distributions.

Under CentOS 4.x, 5.x and 6.x, shutting down a server (workstation,
laptop) simply meant issuing 'shutdown -h now' (or choosing 'Shutdown'
from the GUI menu), and the machine would simply shut down. Whatever
crazy process went haywire, shutting down the system meant exactly that.
No questions asked.

Now with CentOS 7.x, sometimes the machine would simply hang during the
shutdown process, or I would get a message like "a stop job is running",
and I would end up having to hit the Reset button to stop the system, as
I did when I used Microsoft Windows (before 2001).


Niki Kovacs
Microlinux - Solutions informatiques durables
7, place de l'église - 30730 Montpezat
Web  : http://www.microlinux.fr
Mail : info at microlinux.fr
Tél. : 04 66 63 10 32