On 9/20/18 1:40 PM, Robert Heller wrote: > I just tried to create a CentOS 7 VM on a CentOS 6 host, but it crashes to the > dracut prompt. I am using the PXEBoot installer. I *think* it is unhappy > with the (virtual) graphics controller, but I am not sure. > > The rdsosreport.txt file is available here: > https://www.deepsoft.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/rdsosreport.txt It looks like you just need to specify the location of the stage2 installer. The vmlinuz/initrd don't have any UI, they're just the stage1 boot component. The installation UI is in stage2, and its location is a required option. See isolinux/isolinux.cfg of the boot media for working examples, or https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/installation_guide/chap-anaconda-boot-options for documentation.