[CentOS] In place upgrade of RHEL 8 Beta to CentOS 8?

Wed Apr 10 15:44:21 UTC 2019
Benjamin Smith <lists at benjamindsmith.com>

On Tuesday, April 9, 2019 7:40:01 AM PDT Johnny Hughes wrote:
> On 4/8/19 3:20 PM, Benjamin Smith wrote:
> > I'm about to rebuild a server, currently running CentOS 6. If I have to do
> > an OS reinstall, my intention is to upgrade, as it's the oldest OS server
> > under my purview. As this server is pretty low visibility, I'd like to
> > see if I can start using EL 8 instead of 7.x.
> > 
> > In the past, I was able to switch between different OS variants by simply
> > changing out the yum.d files; EG: RHEL 6.x becomes CentOS 6.x by replacing
> > a single RPM and doing a `yum -y clean all; yum -y update` without issue.
> > 
> > How likely is it that similar functionality will exist switching from RHEL
> > 8 Beta to CentOS 8 final? Google pounding provided little info. I
> > couldn't even find useful information for the transition from RHEL 7
> > Beta.
> There will not be any plan to do that, no.  Nor could you upgrade from
> RHEL-8 beta to RHEL-8. They just don't build it with that in mind.
> As Smooge said .. it might be possible.  But the whole point of the beta
> is to allow for design changes.  The full package set was likely not
> completely set, so some things could be removed or added and a bunch of
> manual removals, re-installs would be required.  Different libraries may
> be linked. Etc, etc.
> I can't see almost any circumstance where I would recommend doing this.

Thank you. Gonna roll with 6 for a few more years then.