[CentOS] What files to edit when changing the sdX of hard drives?

Thu Feb 28 19:55:15 UTC 2019
miguel medalha <medalist at sapo.pt>

> No, I dislike UUIDs. I dislike, strongly, lots of extra typing that
> doesn't really get me anything. MAYBE, if you're in a Google or Amazon
> datacenter, with 500,000 physical servers (I phone interviewed with them
> 10 years ago)... but short of that? Nope.

You can (perhaps should...) use the World Wide Name, which is a 
manufacturer ID unique to each disk. Contrary to the /sdX, it doesn't 
change with different configurations, OS or computer. An example of such 
an ID is the following:


Many modern disks have their WWN printed on their labels.