[CentOS] C8 Question

Fri Jan 24 11:38:56 UTC 2020
Alessandro Baggi <alessandro.baggi at gmail.com>

Hi list,

I installed on my workstation C8.1 (1911) and performed a minimal 
install and then installed XFCE from EPEL.

I noticed a strange behaviour (don't know if this is the wanted 
default). If I try ,from normal user shell, to run command like "reboot" 
or "shutdown -h now" system will reboot/shutdown. This happens on tty 
console, on xfce terminal and ssh session.

My user is not in wheel and during install I have not enabled checkbox 
to give that user administration permission. I tried to create a new 
user with adduser but got the same problem.

To solve this I modified polkit login1 policy on 
/usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.login1.policy setting 
<allow_active>no</allow_active> for statement that concern reboot and 

Why on CentOS a normal user can shutdown the system without root 
privileges? I think that on any server normal user should not be able to 
shutdown the system without privileges.

This is a bug or a wanted default?

Thanks in advance.