[CentOS] How do I download RHEL 8.3 with free license and free subscription for my production servers?

Thu Jan 28 19:13:41 UTC 2021
Mike McCarthy, W1NR <sysop at w1nr.net>

On 1/28/2021 10:40 AM, Andrew Pearce wrote:
> On 2021-01-28 15:08, Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming wrote:
>> Subject: How do I download RHEL 8.3 with free license and free
>> subscription
>> for my production servers?
>> Good day from Singapore,
>> I am referring to the following news articles.
>> Article: CentOS is gone—but RHEL is now free for up to 16 production
>> servers
> The start date as mentioned in the article says from the 1st of Feb.
> From that article
> As of February 1, 2021, Red Hat will make RHEL available at no cost for
> small-production workloads—with "small" defined as 16 systems or fewer.
> This access to no-cost production RHEL is by way of the newly expanded
> Red Hat Developer Subscription program, and it comes with no strings—in
> Red Hat's words, "this isn't a sales program, and no sales
> representative will follow up."
> Regards
> Andrew

It seems to be available now. Just log into or create a "Developer
Network" account and they just showed up under my "subscriptions" tab.
Once you do that it seems like it's all one account. It was confusing
why I had to do a separate step.
