[CentOS] nmcli

Wed Mar 31 12:26:55 UTC 2021
Jerry Geis <jerry.geis at gmail.com>


On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 4:41 PM Jerry Geis <jerry.geis at gmail.com> wrote:

> under CentOS 7 - I use "alias" like eth1:0 for an alias network. Remove
> the file restart network - and back to normal. Now I am trying to us
> NetworkManager.
> I can 'add' the network fine. however - when I remove the network
> nmcli connection delete "Wired connection 2" ipv4.addr
> it remove BOTH address and removes the "Wired connection 2" config file -
> and it reverts to DHCP not the other static address I had associated with
> "Wired connection 2".
> how do I just remove the single ADDRESS I added as an alias ? not the
> whole thing ?
> Thanks
> Jerry

Thanks that was it: (the minus)

   nmcli con mod em1 -ipv4.address
