[CentOS] yum/dnf time constraints

Mon Nov 15 11:49:47 UTC 2021
Leon Fauster <leonfauster at googlemail.com>

Am 14.11.21 um 14:59 schrieb Phil Perry:
> On 14/11/2021 13:08, Leon Fauster via CentOS wrote:
>> Hey,
>> i wonder if its possible to use dnf and dictate it to not install 
>> packages that are younger then $((today - 7 )) for example.
>> If not directly possible, any other ways to accomplishing it?
>> Sure, building repos with snapshots would work here but I am
>> looking for additional ways ...
> A couple ideas:
> 1. You could run weekly from a scrpt:
> yum --assumeno update
> which will create the transaction (but not install it) and save it to 
> /tmp/ and then rerun that transaction week later:
> yum --assumeyes load-transaction 
> /tmp/yum_save_tx.2021-11-14.13-54.FhQii3.yumtx

That's an interesting approach. Not sure if this is still valid for EL8?
Some tests doesn't show any transaction artifact. Maybe I need to dive 
deeper ...

> 2. Write a yum plugin to mask packages from the transaction sack that 
> are less than 7 days old. How are your python skills?

That seems to be the cleanest solution. Lets see if I find time for 
that. A quick look into repodata xml files shows that the build time
is also there exposed ...
