[CentOS] How do I install the "right" python3-tkinter in CentOS Stream 8?

Tue Sep 21 21:09:19 UTC 2021
Jonathan Billings <billings at negate.org>

On Sep 21, 2021, at 14:49, Steven Rosenberg <passthejoe at gmail.com> wrote:
> In CentOS Stream 8, A yum upgrade just upgraded platform-python to
> platform-python-3.6.8-41.el8.x86_64.rpm. The upgrade wouldn't go
> through until I removed python3-tkinter-3.6.8-40.el8.x86_64.
> Now I want to reinstall python3-tkinter, and the only version yum is
> offering is 3.6.8-40, and it offers to downgrade platform-python to
> 3.6.8-41.
> python3-tkinter-3.6.8-37.el8.x86_64.rpm
> python3-tkinter-3.6.8-38.el8.x86_64.rpm    
> python3-tkinter-3.6.8-39.el8.x86_64.rpm
> python3-tkinter-3.6.8-40.el8.x86_64.rpm
> python3-tkinter-3.6.8-41.el8.x86_64.rpm
> How do I get yum/dnf to let me install the "right" one (3.6.8-41)?

The python3-tkinter package is a sub package of the python3 source package, which includes platform-python.  They are versioned together, so you can’t upgrade one without needing the updates for the other.

Since python3-tkinter is in AppStream, maybe you don’t have that enabled?  You need the 8Stream repo, not the one for base 8.

See the spec file to see it is a sub package:

Jonathan Billings