On 10/10/16 09:30, Nicolas Repentin wrote:
Thanks for your feedback.
I've compiled the 4.7.7 and 4.8.1 this weekend, and works well on CentOS7, but not using the same boot as the original image (using zImage and dtb). Do you have a process to generate the RPM like yours?
I will try your versions too.
Busy today with a big HW migration for CentOS Infra so I'll probably not answer to all your questions directly. But you can grab the .src.rpm from here : http://vault.centos.org/altarch/7/experimental/Source/i386/Source/SPackages/... and try to use it as a starting point ?
Also worth validating if you need 4.7/4.8 or if 4.4.x is enough ...