On 09/02/2015 12:32 PM, Mandar Joshi wrote:
Yes. I built a mSD card and am up and running.
But it would be good to find out what went wrong with Mandar's instructions...
I think that using an image with a pre written u-boot must have been the problem. We tried to overwrite the u-boot in the image.
So it seems, you'll always need an image without u-boot (eg. one generated for Qemu) to install with rbfinstaller.py
I just tested this. Generated an image from Qemu and wrote it to a microSD using rbfinstaller.py; chose Cubietruck while writing to the card and the image boots on my Cubietruck.
I am going to need some detailed instructions or good script to run...
Right now I am installing gnome on an image. Only some 800+ rpms to install. Argh. But want to see how it runs (on a Cubieboard2) and if I can get VNC running, running the equiv of run level 3 as I have done in the past on C6 systems.