On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 10:27:56AM -0400, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
I had to rebuild me image from scratch, so this time, instead of permissive, I decided to set enforcing for selinux.
I powered off and powered back on. What ever happened (and I can send the serial console to anyone wanting to review this), the system rebooted and came back around finally to login. Once I logged in, I saw that the ethernet was not available.
So I am going to redo this and just leave selinux to disabled until we get further along (and someone else tests it out!).
I am running all my systems behind two firewalls and will just have to rely on that for now.
resurecting an old thread,
I', curious, What image did you use for the cubie2, you said you rebuild those from scratch, that sounds a bit complex but any guidelines ? My recollection from fedora is that Cubieboard2 differes from Cubietruck only by a few uboot parameters (size, location), so do one really need to regenerate the image completely ?