On 04/24/2017 04:53 PM, Jim Perrin wrote:
On 04/23/2017 11:21 AM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
Can you point me to instructions? I looked at
The easy way is 'systemctl edit postfix' This will create appropriate file in /etc/systemd/system/postfix.d/override.conf. (or something like that) and you can go from there. Once you're sure exactly where the file will be then you can mess with it some more.
I am beginning to see...
I will have to develop a command that takes the current After= line out of the default. service, append the wait-time and put that command into this override.conf file. A bit of a challenge.
And the change I made to /usr/lib/systemd/system/postfix.service carried over, and the timestamp in /etc/systemd did not change. Strange.
If you didn't systemctl daemon-reload, then that would be why.
No I did not. I just did a systemctl restart postfix after the editing.
This is a test server. Only a test server. My howto is such that I can start from a base image and get the working image up to current in about 1 hour, so once I work out enough of these issues, I will restart the process.