On 08/16/2018 02:07 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
I have finally updated my howto at:
Thanks to the excellent Centos armhfp site, I was able to pull out a lot of the basic setup instructions. Thanks for your work putting that site up.
Please go over and take a look; all comments will be welcomed (but not necessarily acted on! :) ).
Thank you for providing the code that makes running Centos7 on armv7 boards possible.
It would be nice if EPEL could move along. Perhaps when I retire (in a year or 2), I will take on learning how to help there.
I have one other project to tackle before I can restart my mailserver effort.
One of the challenges of building the general image is to get the proper uboot file. Since my server is a Cubieboard2 with Centos7-arm, I realized I could simply create a symlink to /usr/share/uboot and make them all available. So I have updated the howto accordingly.
Of course these are the current uboots distributed with C7-arm. For example it does not contain the new Cubieboard5 uboot. That you need the Fedora29 uboot-images rpm...