On 22/02/17 12:48, Ente Trompete wrote:
maybe I'm wrong but IMO I have found the ipa-server packages on your arm32 repository last year (still CentOS 7.2). But now no ipa-server* package any more (CentOS 7.3) and BTW for aarch64 also only ipa-server-common-4.4.0-12.el7.centos.noarch.rpm are available. In the Fedora 25 armhfp repositories freeipa-server* v4.4.1-3 packages are offered. So I assume that it should work on ARM32 but otherwise on Fedora everything is experimental and may not work ;-). Is there any plan to build also the ipa-server* packages for ARM32 CentOS Userland Linux or must we wait for future 7.x > 7.3 there Red Hat has officail added ARM support (of course only for ARM64)?
TIA, Silvio
A thread was started for this 1 year ago : https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/arm-dev/2016-February/001615.html
I guess that if we get some patches for both the .spec (easy to do) and more important the files mentioned in that report, we can rebuild ipa and in theory that should provide the -server part.