While I had my RPi3 out testing the 7.3.1611 image for that other thread, I grabbed what is going to be the released 7.4.1708 image for RPi3 and copied to a card to see if it works.
Looks like Fabian has done a wonderful job (as usual) and I have an ip address via the NIC and it sees the wlan as well (but it is turned off by default, it seems).
[root@centos-rpi3 ~]# uname -a Linux centos-rpi3 4.9.40-v7.1.el7 #1 SMP Tue Aug 8 14:03:02 UTC 2017 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
So, when we release (certainly w/in the next week), we should be good to go.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes