On 12/23/2015 07:59 AM, Karanbir Singh wrote:
On 22/12/15 02:10, Mandar Joshi wrote:
So every installation from an image will have the same UUIDs.
this is a bad idea, it means you cant ( or will haveto do some work ) if you ever intend to share media. onprem, lesser issue ( likely only when disaster recovery is involved ), but this is a much bigger issue in offprem, where block device mobility is part of the larger picture and taken for granted.
so, we should fix it.
This simple answer is to add to the, yet to be provided, centos-arm-installer a step that relabels the partitions. I don't see this as an option in parted, but I suspect there is SOME tool that will change a partition's UUID.
Thing is what to do with /etc/fstab. Edit it with SED? Use /dev/device rather than UUID= ? But the <device> varies by board.
I should point out that Fedora-arm has the same issue, and I will can this point over to them. From Fedora-23-Xfce image:
/etc/fstab: UUID=5c922e06-bb74-402c-9d65-65feee4516b5 / ext4 defaults,noatime 0 0 UUID=3cc330d2-84bb-46ff-9501-3a1776ed09c5 /boot ext3 defaults,noatime 0 0 UUID=01aee4b3-d3bb-4e17-8d30-3005596f2861 swap swap defaults,noatime 0 0