On 08/08/2014 08:49 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
On 08/07/2014 09:47 PM, Karanbir Singh wrote:
On 08/08/2014 02:16 AM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
On 08/07/2014 08:27 PM, Karanbir Singh wrote:
Hi guys,
as a show of hands, can we get a list of :
- boards we have at the moment
Cubieboard 2
I've got a bunch of Cubietrucks,
Interesting. Do you have Redsleeve working on any of them? I have built a boot SDcard for my Cubieboard2 based on a F19 kernel and stuff and am up to being able to login on the serial console.
But I do not get any login on the video monitor. Mouse moves and typing is echoed. But no login prompt.
Alt-F2 :)