On 11/30/2016 11:01 AM, Jim Perrin wrote:
On 11/30/2016 07:37 AM, Lomovtsev, Vadim wrote:
Hi all,
After installing 7.2 with mostly default options I've found that I got ifcfg-eth0 file at /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ but I haven't seen it while do system configuration installation phase amongs the others. Then after system start the "systemctl restart network" command always fails to start/restart/start network service with following error:
Nov 30 13:30:34 c7-altarch-test network[1235]: Bringing up interface eth0: Error: Connection activation failed: No suitable device found for this connection.
I don't see this beavior on the aarch64 systems I have available.
Possible options is to disable it from NM control and from on-boot start by editing ifcfg-eth0 file after installation or use kernel options to not use new naming.
Could we somewhow remove this from system deployment by default and let user decide whenever to enable/disable this later or even at installation phase? Becase currently I got new names for my ethernet interfaces (three of them actually) and one for old scheme which causes service management issue.
NetworkManager is the default, and we want to keep things as close to the x86_64 version as possible for basic use and operation. It would probably be helpful to track down why it might be changing or unavailable.
Which kernel are you using? What names are you getting for the interfaces? Is there anything different about the old interface config vs the new? (Is the mac address different, etc)
I recall seeing a USB ethernet dongle be called eth0 instead of a systemd style predictable name [1]. But the name didn't change, it was always eth0, and I didn't have any trouble using nmcli with it.
1. https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfac...
Regards, Cov