On 12/25/2015 03:30 PM, Mandar Joshi wrote:
So every installation from an image will have the same UUIDs.
this is a bad idea, it means you cant ( or will haveto do some work ) if you ever intend to share media. onprem, lesser issue ( likely only when disaster recovery is involved ), but this is a much bigger issue in offprem, where block device mobility is part of the larger picture and taken for granted.
so, we should fix it.
- KB
I just finished writing a script to change UUIDs and LABELs. It's changeuuid.py in https://github.com/mndar/rbf/tree/master/commonscripts It doesn't depend on anything else in the repo, so you can just download that script.
Sample Usage:
# just show what is going to change ./changeuuid.py pretend /dev/sdb /tmp/temp/
# actually change ./changeuuid.py change /dev/sdb /tmp/temp/
Refer the README for more details. Let me know if you have any issues.
Worked fine after I figured out a way to get the script. I clicked on 'raw' and saved, then chmod +x.
I see you tested this on the Fedora23 image. Are you going to take this issue and script over to the Fedora-arm list, or may I?
Next on to resizing the rootfs as part of the same script. See the Fedora-arm-installer script that has:
if [ "$RESIZEFS" != "" ] ; then echo "= Resizing $MEDIA ...." sync echo ", +" | sudo sfdisk -N 3 "$MEDIA" sudo fsck.ext4 -fy "$ROOTPART" sudo partprobe "$MEDIA" sudo resize2fs "$ROOTPART" fi
Where $MEDIA is where mSD card is (e.g. /dev/sdb) and $ROOTPART is the rootfs partition (e.g. /dev/sdb3).
Very fast compared to other methods.