Hi Everyone,
I picked up a board CubieTruck Plus (Cubieboard5). The stock image does not boot or I did something wrong with 7z and dd (http://dl.cubieboard.org/model/Cubietruck-plus/image/linux/linaro-desktop/V1...).
I want to try another image, and I see Cubieboard mentioned on occasion. I searched the archive, but did not find anything specific for the CubieTruck Plus. RM mentioned the board was shipping on January 6 (http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/arm-dev/2016-January/001566.html).
I'm especially interested in the octa-core with 2 GB of RAM. It should speed up my ARM testing by a factor of about 3 because I can run 'make -j N'. With a single/dual core and less than 1GB of RAM, I found I cannot drive make like that due to OOMs.
Would someone be able to point me to an image for the CubieTruck Plus (Cubieboard5)?
Thanks in advance.