Hi list,
Time permitting, in the last days/weeks, we worked with Pablo (thanks again) to catch up with some things in the CentOS armhfp land. So we'd like to discuss some of the changes we'll probably implement for the next 7.5.18xx release (we still don't know when that will happen though) :
# images : - we'll switch from our current rbf scripts to appliance-creator, and we'll host the used kickstart files so that everybody can also respin various images or variants - as we now have Gnome/KDE working correctly and all built, we'll probably start building such images (like for Fedora) - selinux context is now good so doesn't need the "touch /.autorelabel && systemctl reboot" to then switch to enforcing mode - one "Generic" image to rule them all ! Idea is to not build/test for boards like cubietruck/bananapi/etc, as it's all supported upstream, but only one generic image/variant (like minimal or gnome) and just adapt the uboot bootloader. The only exception though will be for raspberrypi (2 and 3 ) : while the Generic image will work (tested already) with upstream kernel, we'll still offer a variant using the rpi foundation kernel, as we did in the past, as that will ensure that such users will also continue to get kernel updates as they get those right now
# kernel: - we'll rebase to 4.14.x (new upstream LTS version, even if 4.9.x is still maintained upstream) : that will permit to support more boards probably (rpi kernel will also get a bump, already built too in testing)
# uboot-tools : already updated to 2018.03 to also support more boards, but that will become mandatory as we'll *not* build specific images for specific board (as the Generic one can be used everywhere, and will only need the dd if= of=/dev/mmbclk0 for the uboot bootloader